Friday 19 June 2015

Book Review: Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo

Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo   

     For those of you who are familiar with the "gaijin in Japan" blogging world, you may have already heard of Grace Buchele Mineta, the "Texan in Tokyo" and her adorable (and accurate) comics that cover the day to day life of a foreigner in Japan, intercultural relationships, culture shock, the adventures of being young and married, and everything in between. Along with her blog where Grace uploads her comics and posts about her life in Japan she also has a Youtube channel where she posts videos with her Japanese husband, Ryosuke, and has published three books! 
credit: Texan-In-Tokyo
     Her first book, My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy is a collection of her earlier comics along with short, informational pieces on culture in Japan, Japanese vocabulary, daily experiences of a self-employed expat living abroad, what it's like to be stumbling through your early 20s, and being young, married and in love. Her second book, My Japanese Husband (Still) Thinks I'm Crazy follows the same format, but with new stories, new experiences and new laughs. 

credit: Texan-In-Tokyo
     Grace has just published her third book Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo. I have the great privilege of being a "book ambassador" for Grace this time around and as such have already devoured the book thoroughly! Like her first two books, Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo is a collection of comics, anecdotes, and informative pieces on life as an expat in Japan and being in an intercultural/interracial marriage. Also like her first two books, Grace delivers these experiences in a honest, authentic, and of course, humorous way!

     It's Grace's authenticity that drew me into her blog, videos and comics. She is just so open and honest about her experiences. For a fellow expat living in Japan as well as also being in an intercultural relationship I could relate 100% to her stories. Quite often living abroad can be a lonely, isolating experience. Even when you're dating (or married to) the love of your life! Reading Grace's comics and anecdotes helped me feel a sort of solidarity, a "hey, me too!", and a sense that if living in Japan makes Grace feel the same crazy that I feel, then maybe it isn't so bad! Her delivery of these stories also comes with a trademark humour that honestly had me laughing out loud!

     Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo covers everything from Grace's personal stories, experiences being in an intercultural relationship (specifically, marriage!), surviving Japanese winters, interacting with inlaws, how it is to be self-employed, the struggles of living abroad and what it's like to realize "is this what being an adult is?!" all while being madly in love and still a little "crazy"!
    As in her first two books,  Grace's husband Ryosuke wrote the forward for Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo. Though not without his signature brand of comedy, this time around Ryosuke's forward touches on a more serious topic and that's the negative feedback the couple receives on Grace's blog and Youtube. It is touching to see Ryosuke gain an understanding for his wife and what her job entails and it is sweet to see Ryosuke share that with us. He shares the same honesty and authenticity that Grace does and the reader can't help but emphasize and connect with him. But as I mentioned, Ryosuke isn't all serious and sad! Anyone familiar with the couple knows he is famous for his pranks, and goofy personality (poop hat anyone?). This time around Ryosuke has included two of his own comics and I will admit that I laughed out loud! Maybe there will be more included in the next book? *wink wink* 

credit: Texan-In-Tokyo

     Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo isn't just another book about expat life in Japan. It is genuine and personal in ways that other books just aren't. It covers topics often missed by other books, and approaches them in a light-hearted way. Serious issues are covered but even then they are approached with respect, honesty, and are informative. The reader won't feel they are being "preached at". They are eye openers for those who may not be in that current situation and therefore might not understand or even been aware that these situations exist. The balance between "humour" and "serioursness" is perfect for what this book is trying to achieve. 

     And you'll laugh! It is a comic book after all! Grace's adorable comics are so on point and so true to life that you can't help but giggle! If you don't live in Japan the stories are still so down-to-earth that even if you can't relate to every last detail, there is something you'll find in common with your own life. Which is what I think Grace's greatest strength as a writer is, her honesty and her ability to connect through humour. 

     So if you're a fan of Japan, lived (or still living!) in Japan, are in an intercultural relationship or just like a good laugh please check out Confessions of a Texan in Tokyo! It comes out on June 21st! Reviews are already up on Goodread. It will be available on Amazon and from June 21 to 23rd, Grace has (super) kindly provided a FREE! download of the book for everyone

So what are you waiting for?! Go check it out!


Texan in Tokyo - blog and comics

Texan in Tokyo - Twitter

Texan in Tokyo - Youtube 


  1. Thank you so much :D
    (and thanks for being a book Ambassador!!! yay!)

    Ryosuke already promised to draw another two comics on my next book (IF there is another book). It's fun having him involved!

    1. No problem! It's easy when it's such an awesome book! ^.^

      Lol yaasss!! Amazing! I died at the "Super Saiyan Grace"! Hahaha :P
