Wednesday 10 February 2016

My Winter Favourites!

No Wintertime Blues Here! 


I don't know if it is because I had a rough summer, but this year I am absolutely loving winter! 

I have always preferred cooler weather. Autumn has been my favourite time of the year since I was a little kid. But the winters in Canada are rough, full of sleet, slush and snow. I would've never said I loved winter. Osaka winters are a lot milder. The only rough part about them is the fact that schools and homes here don't have central heating. The hallways at work are colder than the outside! My bedroom may be toasty warm thanks to my air con but the kitchen/living room is, well, nippy. Before this would drive me crazy! Maybe I am finally used to it but this year it isn't bothering me all that much. Like I said, I am just loving winter!

I don't know many people who share in my affection for the colder months. Winter can be hard for them, just like the humid Osaka summers are for me. It is hard to deal with days that seem never ending. I can empathize. So I decided to share my absolute favourite items I have been using this winter, and hopefully share a little bit of joy! 

~My Winter Favourites!!!~ 


Here they are! As you can see, there are a lot of cozy and fluffy items! Also those who know me might be surprised to see all this pink and no black or grey. But what can I say, sometimes I want to feel like a fluffy pink princess! 



First Up...

This is a black sesame seed spread! I tried it for the first time over New Years when I was staying at my boyfriend's parents house. It tastes sweet and I am obsessed with it on toast. The black colour can be off putting for some people. Even my boyfriend won't try it! But it tastes delicious and I really recommend it! You can find it at any grocery store here in Japan. I found it hiding with the jams and other toast spreads in Kansai Super. If you're not in Japan but have any Asian grocery stores where you live, take a look! 

yummy yummy

Minty Soft


The summers in Osaka might be super humid, but their winters are crazy dry! My skin becomes so irritated and itchy if I don't keep it properly moisturized. This Christmas, Lush came out with a body conditioner called Christingle. It was the first product from their 2015 Christmas line that caught my eye. The combo of moisturizing and mint just seemed made for me! Christingle contains jojoba oil and muramura butter which makes it super moisturizing. You don't need to use a lot for it to do it's job (which is good, since the product itself is on the pricier side). I have to control myself from just slathering myself with it though! With the minty smell and how nice it feels on my skin it's hard to not go crazy with it! 

As I mentioned, it smells of peppermint. It isn't creamy, or sweet. It is straight up mint. I love it. I can't get enough of it. Keep in mind, this is coming from a girl obsessed with peppermint tea, mint chocolate ice cream and actually enjoys trips to the dentist so I might be biased. My boyfriend has tried it though, and agrees it smells great! It also contains menthol crystals which create a cooling, tingling sensation that lasts even after your shower! I bought extra tubs to save for the summer when the cooling sensation will most definitely be appreciated. 

To use Christingle, just lather it all over yourself after you finish everything else, before you plan on leaving the shower. I usually turn the shower head away for this part to avoid it from washing off too quickly. Then after massaging it into your skin, rinse yourself off and pat yourself dry! Easy, peasy! I don't find this lotion to be greasy however some people have said it takes about 5 minutes for the oils to really absorb into the skin after they shower. But it leaves you with soft, great smelling skin so it is totally worth it! Plus it's vegan, what's there not to love? 

minty goodness



More Moisture

I love Japan but it has done crazy things to my skin. Back home in Canada, my skin was pretty normal with no real flare ups of any kind. But in Japan my skin seems to always be itchy. In the summer the humidity makes it itchy. In the winter the dry weather makes it itchy. I am only safe in the spring and autumn, the two shortest seasons of the year! My skin becomes red and puffy and bumpy. It isn't cute. I suffered for the first while in Japan while looking for something to help but this past summer I couldn't take it anymore!

Growing up my younger sister had eczema and eventually the doctor recommended Aveeno lotion. Ever since my younger sister is rarely seen without a bottle on hand. It is easy to find back home, it is in most if not all drug stores and Wal-Mart also stocks it. I was unable to find it in Japan but since nothing else was working I took the plunge and ordered it on Amazon. It was a little pricey but the BEST. DECISION. EVER. 

I use Aveeno to moisturize my entire body after a shower, before bed. When a certain area of my skin acts up I apply the lotion right away and after a few minutes my skin has calmed down. It works well in the humid summer and in the dry winter. It has saved my life! I have officially joined my sister on Team Aveeno 4lyfe! 

Yup, Even More Moisture!


image from google

Have you noticed a theme yet? Winter in Osaka is dry, dry dry! But even if you live in a more humid climate I still strongly suggest moisturizing, especially your face, before bed. I purchased Shiseido's White Up Emulsion moisturizer this October. It is light, smooth and creamy. It absorbed quickly in my skin and left it feeling nice and nourished. It supposedly helps whiten your skin, but I am still on the fence about seeing real results. Besides that I really do recommend this lotion. It isn't too heavy which is good. I also didn't have a bad reaction to it which is great because my skin is super temperamental and can break out easily. 

Full disclosure, while I like this lotion and have been using it since October I have recently gone back to my old reliable, SANA's Soy Milk Cream. My skin has been breaking out recently and also feeling extra dry. I needed something more substantial than the light Shiseido lotion. SANA's Soy Milk Cream is a heavier cream but still mild on my skin. What I mean is I am not left feeling like I have something heavy and greasy on my face. I feel moisturized and hydrated but not weighed down. I use this lotion before going to bed, after I shower. In the morning I wash my face and then apply SANA's Soy Milk Emulsion. It's a clear liquid that lightly moisturizes my skin for the day. 

image from google

Sore Muscles, Dry Lips

I have said this before and I will say it until the day I die but Lush's Honey Trap lip balm is a gift from above! Winter is not only harsh on my skin, but my lips as well. I use Honey Trap every single day to keep my lips from cracking and peeling. Unlike other lip balms I've tried Honey Trap actually absorbs into my lips instead of just sitting on the surface and becoming goopy. My boyfriend suffers from extremely sensitive and dry lips and ever since I bought him his own Honey Trap, he swears by it. It helps sooth his lips and keep them nice and soft. Honey Trap is sweet and vanilla tasting however Lush does offer other flavours as well. I often combine Honey Trap with the Mint Julips lip scrub just to get those extra soft lips!
image from google

In November of 2014 my boyfriend and I were rear-ended by another driver on the way home from the grocery store. We were fine, but our necks and backs had taken a hit. We went to a chiropractor and it did wonders for us. Unfortunately my boyfriend was rear-ended again (!) in 2015 which hurt his neck even more. I was doing fine, but suddenly this past December my neck and back have been super sore! I don't know if it's from the accident (we were told our muscles could still act up months after the accident, but it's been a while now) or stress from work and other things going on in my personal life but every single day, without fail, my neck is sore by the time I am home from work. I have been using heat patches since the accident but recently my boyfriend and I tried this kind of muscle rub meant for stiff neck and muscle pain. It's called アンメルツヨコヨコ and we got it at the local drug store. 

It is a clear liquid and you use the stick to rub it on your neck or back. After about a minute it tingles and heats up, which helps relieve muscle pain. I am addicted. It does have a pretty strong smell though. You'll be able to smell it on yourself instantly. I was worried I might reek of the stuff, but when my boyfriend uses it I can only smell it if I am hugging him. Most people won't be that close to you, so as long as you don't mind the smell it really isn't an issue. Plus clothes help mask the smell. I actually have grown used to the scent and don't mind it at all! It is worth the smell for the relief it provides. It is useful for when I don't really feel like using my muscle patches but still need something to help ease the tension in my neck and shoulders. It is good for those days when I am stuck at my desk but also for when I spent the day running after hyper children. Either way, a definite recommend for sure. 

Sight For Sore Eyes



When I am not teaching a class I am at my desk lesson planning, reading the news, writing, blogging, tweeting, or searching for games to play with my kids. I spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen, or iPad screen. By the end of the day it isn't just my muscles that are tired, but my eyes as well. My boyfriend also spends a lot of his time at work on the computer. He introduced me to Rohto Z! Pro eye drops. They release a sort of minty feeling when you drop it in your eye. To be straight up with you, it sort of stings. Two of my friends can't stand using it because of that sensation. But it works incredibly well! It is worth the weird sensation for me because as soon as I use it my eyes feel refreshed and ready to go. I like it a lot better than the eye drops I brought back from Canada. It is now a permanent part of my routine. I definitely recommend it! 

image from google

Growing Pains

I have been growing out my signature bangs for a while now, and it hasn't been easy! They are at that awkward length where they get in my eyes and face making me feel like a 2005 emo kid all over again. I got these fluffy headbands from Daiso (the 100 yen shop) and they are perfect. They are cute, soft and keep the hair out of my face. I put them on the minute I am home, or the minute I get out of the shower. They are also useful to keep you hair up and out of the way when taking a bath. I used them at the onsen in Kagoshima and it was perfect. The purple one is more of a towel material and better for the bath and the pink ones are very fluffy and perfect for lounging around at home. 


Cozy Cuddles 

image from google

I spent this New Years with my boyfriend's family in Kagoshima. His mom offered to buy us pajamas. She gave me a fuzzy fleece pink and white pair from Uniqlo when we arrived. Don't get me wrong, I super appreciated it but I wouldn't have picked out fleece pajamas for myself. But since I was touched she got me something to begin with, I showered and put them on. 

And with that, my entire life was changed. 

I kid you not when I say I haven't worn my other pajamas since. I do laundry more often now just so I can always wear these pajamas. They are so comfortable and so warm! They are soft and light but still keep me nice and warm as I sleep (without my heat on, I should mention). I never thought I could love a pair of pajamas this much! I am indebted to Boyfriend's Mama! 

The Final, Fluffy Touch

image from google

Ever since my first winter in Japan I contemplated getting a house coat. I left mine behind in Canada and was reluctant to purchase a new one here because whenever I moved home it would be one more thing to pack. Despite that I finally decided to give in and get one this winter! I got the Forever 21 Pink Classic Hooded Robe and it is perfect. It is fluffy and soft and so so warm! It is a shorter length, hits me about middle of my thigh. I put it on the minute I get home and into my room wear. I can't believe I waited this long to get one! It is perfect for before and after showers, keeping warm, and lazy weekends. 

For those wondering, the book in the first photo is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I have been obsessively reorganizing and cleaning the apartment recently and this book has some amazing tips, tricks and advice! Life has been pretty hectic lately and I am the type of person who is strongly affected by the environment she is in. So getting the apartment in order has been huge in helping me control my anxiety! 

How we clean and tidy is pretty personal in my opinion so I won't say straight up that I recommend this book. It is up to the person to decide for themselves. I mention it though, as it is what I have been reading recently (aside from the news and my twitter feed! :P) 

image from google

And of course, a HUGE part of my Winter 2015/2016...


 And there you have it! All of my winter favourites! What have you been obsessed with this winter? Let me know and let's obsess together! 

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