Friday 10 April 2015

Sailor Moon Collection!!~☽

Hello everyone!~ ヾ( ❀◕◕ฺฺ )ノ

Sorry this post took a little longer than I would've liked, but it's the start of a new school year here in Japan so I've been quite busy! In Japan, the school year ends around mid-March and begins again in April! It's totally different from Canada, where we end in June and begin in September! Japanese kids still get a summer vacation, but it is shorter than what I had in Canada! 

Anyways I've decided it was time to introduce to you all something that makes me very happy! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) My Sailor Moon collection! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧! Today will just be an introduction on what I've currently collected, but I want to do specific reviews on some goods in the future! Just a heads up - this post will be pic heavy!

In The Beginning... 

Like many girls my age I grew up watching obsessing over Sailor Moon. I loved the show, I loved Usagi (or Serena, her English name) and I spent countless recesses playing "Sailor Moon" pretend with my best friends. It is what brought about my curiosity and eventual love for Japan. So when I heard that the anime was getting a reboot I was so excited! Then, when I realized all the new goods that would come along with the new anime, I was ecstatic! It was even more amazing when I realized it would cross over with my move to Japan! 

Despite my anticipation for all the goods that were released, I never really did more than fawn over them in the stores and online. When I was a child I would accumulate junk in my bedroom drawers thinking that one day they could be useful. It was hard for me to throw things away. I even got emotionally attached to our basement couch and was upset when it came time to replace it! Ridiculous, I know. As I got older I worked hard to change that, to be able to decide which items had value and which didn't. I finally learned how to keep my space uncluttered. So buying a bunch of Sailor Moon goods, no matter how adorable they were and nostalgic they made me, seemed to be taking a step backwards. After all they would just sit there on a shelf, right? So I would put the pen set back down and walk out of the store thinking I had made the right, adult decision.

But I always found myself back in the stores, back with the pen set in my hand, back checking the price of the Usagi figuart. More and more goods were released and my "if-only" list grew longer and longer. Then one day, finally, I took the plunge.

After a series of events in my personal life I had become committed to getting back to a healthier space, and making myself happier. I realized it was okay to have a hobby where I could indulge myself as long as it wasn't hurting myself or others. So I decided I would do something I wanted to do for years but felt I couldn't - collect Sailor Moon goods! 

Why am I telling you my personal back story? 

I just want to explain that if there is something you want to start in your life whether it's starting a collection, writing poetry, or running marathons, don't let anything hold you back! Life is too short to live by arbitrary rules of how we think we should or should not behave. If there is something that makes you happy, then investing your time and even your money into it isn't a waste! As long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt you or others, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to indulge! For me, collecting items from a treasured part of my childhood, something that had such a huge impact on making me the person I am today was one of the best decision I've made!


Now...Onto the Collection! ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ノ 

I started my Sailor Moon collection about 4-5 months ago. Since that time I have gotten -
  • Bandai Sailor Moon Prism Stationary Pointer Pen Planet Attack Set
  • 20th Anniversary Bandai Sailor Moon Prism Ballpoint pen set Uranus & Neptune   
  • 20th Anniversary Bandai Sailor Moon Prism Ballpoint pen set Saturn & Pluto   
  • 20th Anniversary Bandai Sailor Moon Prism Ballpoint pen set Usagi & Chibiusa 
  • Bandai Sailor Moon Ballpoint Pens
    • Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Crescent Moon wand, Cutie Moon wand 
  •  Sailor Moon Banpresto Prize Atsumete Girls Memories
    • Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 (currently waiting on Luna, Artemis, Black Lady and Luna-P - my boyfriend and I actually won the ones I do have from UFO machines! ^^)
  • Bandai Tamashii Nations Sailor Moon Proplica Moon Stick 
  • Bandai Tamashii Nations Sailor Moon Proplica Cutie Moon Rod 
  • Bandai Sailor Moon pink seifuku bow plush keychain  
  • 20th Anniversary Bandai Character Jacket Sailor Saturn iphone5 case
  • 20th Anniversary Bandai iPhone Aluminum Button Seal Sailor Saturn
  • Bandai Tamashii Nations S.H. Figuarts 
    • Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn (x2), Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune


Photos! ~

My set up isn't 100% done, or 100% how I'd like it but it's coming along! I just need to find a place for my proplicas! Until then I am keeping them in their boxes, which explains the photo. I'll take them out when I do their review posts though! ^^ 

Ahh I guess it's kind of a lot?~ But it doesn't feel like my collection is even close to complete! I don't collect everything though, just stuff I really love. For example, I am not a huge fan of the Pullip Dolls so I don't buy those. I use different websites as well as buying in store for my collection. Maybe I will do a blog post in the future about which sites I use to buy my figures! I also have a few figures that aren't Sailor Moon, so I'll do a mini blog post on those as well! They include Attack on Titan, Super Sonico, Hatsune Miku and Madoka Magica!

I hope you enjoyed my collection! I can't wait to share it with you all as it grows, and hopefully I can be useful to anyone who is also interested in starting a collection! Check back soon for reviews and more updates! 

Thank you! ^^


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